FME Translations Quiz

Which of the following statements is true about the Generate Workspace dialog?

You must define both the reader and writer format You must define the reader format, but writer format is optional The reader format is optional, but you must define the writer format Both the reader and writer formats are optional Generate Workspace requires both a reader and writer format. In more advanced training modules, you can learn how to set a Generic reader or writer, which can use any format FME supports.

The FME Data Inspector is a fully-functioned spatial data analysis and cartography tool.

True False The FME Data Inspector is not designed to replace GIS software, but rather to provide a quick and useful way to inspect the result of FME workspaces.

Which of the following is an example of schema editing or mapping? Check all that apply.

You create a workspace that removes observations from a CSV file if they are older than a target date. You create a workspace that joins customer data from a CRM to social media exposure data gathered by your Social Media Manager. You create a workspace that adds updated AutoCAD drawings to a centralized Esri ArcGIS geodatabase, removing three unwanted attributes and renaming two others in the process. You create a workspace that extracts a group of records from an Oracle database based on a spatial filter. Removing records (by an attribute value like observation date or spatial location) does not count as schema editing or mapping. Although the content of the written data is changed, its structure remains the same. In the CRM example, joining data adds new attributes. In the AutoCAD example, attributes are removed or renamed. These operations are schema editing, because you are changing the structure of the final dataset.

Why is the input port on the Date attribute of the writer feature type red?

The feature type's User Attributes tab did not appropriately define attribute parameters. FME is not connected to system date-time. The Date attribute on the reader feature type is not exposed. There is a Date attribute defined on the writer schema, but it has no value. We created a Date attribute on the writer schema by adding it to the User Attributes tab. However, there is nowhere in the workspace - either in the read data or data created with transformers - to supply values to this attribute. Therefore, it displays with a red color.

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