FME Transformations Quiz

Which of these transformers are in the top ten most-used transformers in the Web category? Check all that apply.

AttributeCreator AttributeKeeper AttributeManager Clipper Creator Emailer FeatureMerger (FeatureJoiner) Generalizer HTTPCaller Inspector JSONExtractor JSONFlattener JSONFragmenter ParameterFetcher Reprojector Tester TestFilter Going to the online Transformer Gallery allows one to view only transformers in the Web category and to sort by most used.

Match the string and the transformer returned by Quick Add:

Quick Add will search transformer names for whatever you type in, including if you skip beginning characters. Some users prefer to type the middle of transformer names to find them faster, for example, "reac" for AreaCalculator, or to use CamelCase, e.g., "rbic" for RasterBandInterpretationCoercer.


Quick Add will search transformer names for whatever you type in, including if you skip beginning characters. Some users prefer to type the middle of transformer names to find them faster, for example, "reac" for AreaCalculator, or to use CamelCase, e.g., "rbic" for RasterBandInterpretationCoercer.


Quick Add will search transformer names for whatever you type in, including if you skip beginning characters. Some users prefer to type the middle of transformer names to find them faster, for example, "reac" for AreaCalculator, or to use CamelCase, e.g., "rbic" for RasterBandInterpretationCoercer.


Quick Add will search transformer names for whatever you type in, including if you skip beginning characters. Some users prefer to type the middle of transformer names to find them faster, for example, "reac" for AreaCalculator, or to use CamelCase, e.g., "rbic" for RasterBandInterpretationCoercer.


Quick Add will search transformer names for whatever you type in, including if you skip beginning characters. Some users prefer to type the middle of transformer names to find them faster, for example, "reac" for AreaCalculator, or to use CamelCase, e.g., "rbic" for RasterBandInterpretationCoercer.

Your colleagues have come up with a list of different scenarios, and want you to search for a transformer to carry them out. Select the correct transformer for each case.

We have some lines of text in a file and want to read that text and add it as an attribute.

From FME Help for AttributeFileReader: "Reads the contents of a file and stores them as the value for the specified attribute."

You want to control the font size and color of your tables in an Excel workbook output.

From FME Help for ExcelStyler: "Sets Excel row and cell styling using attributes on output features destined for the Excel Writer."

You have a list of customers, including their company name and industry, and want to create a table summarizing the number of customer companies by industry.

From FME Help for AttributePivoter: "Restructures and regroups incoming features based on specified Group by attributes and calculates summary statistics to form a Pivot table output." The AttributePivoter can accomplish many features of Excel's Pivot Tables. Similar restructuring can also be accomplished with the StatisticsCalculator.

We have a text string and want to find out how many characters the string contains.

From FME Help for StringLengthCalculator: "Calculates the length of strings and the number of bytes in a blob."

We have a set of addresses and for each address want to find the closest two libraries.

From FME Help for NeighborPairFinder: "Finds the closest two Candidate features within some maximum distance of each Base feature and some minimum separation in heading between the Candidates and the Base."

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