Exercise 3.2b Locating Transformers
Data 3-1-1 case location details (XLS hosted on FTP)
Overall Goal Find a transformer to fix inconsistent data
Demonstrates Using Transformer Gallery and Quick Add
Start Workspace C:\FMEData2018\Workspaces\IntroToDesktop\Ex3.2-Begin.fmw
End Workspace C:\FMEData2018\Workspaces\IntroToDesktop\Ex3.2-Complete.fmw

In Exercise 2.2, we found that some of our values for the Local Area attribute were inconsistent. In this exercise, you will use your new knowledge of transformer searching to find an appropriate transformer to address this problem. As we just covered, there are many options for searching for transformers. In this case, we need a transformer that can find specific text strings in an attribute and replace them with another value. Specifically, we want to find values of Local Area and replace them as such:

Find Replace
Dunbar Southlands Dunbar-Southlands
Arbutus Ridge Arbutus-Ridge

Use the resources available (Transformer Gallery in Workbench, Transformer Gallery online, the FME Transformer Reference Guide, and Quick Add search) to find such a transformer. Then, add it to your workspace after the Tester, edit its parameters, run your workspace, and inspect the results to ensure your changes were successful.

OK, go for it! When you have found your solution, go to the next page to check your answer.

If you want some additional hints, click below:

Hint 1

It is possible to do this operation with a single transformer, but if you can't find it, try doing it with multiple transformers.

Hint 2

The transformer you are looking for begins with Attribute.

Hint 3

Try searching Quick Add or the Transformer Gallery for some keywords describing the desired operation. Remember that pressing Tab while searching Quick Add will search transformer descriptions as well as names. These might be helpful:

  • Find
  • Attribute
  • Map

Additional Resources

If you have used the above resources and are still having trouble, try looking on the FME Knowledge Center. Have you tried browsing transformers in the Strings category of the Transformer Gallery?

Was this information hard for you to find? Do you have specific ideas about how to make it easier? Send them to [email protected].

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