Exercise 3.2b Locating Transformers
Data 3-1-1 case location details (XLS hosted on FTP)
Overall Goal Find a transformer to fix inconsistent data
Demonstrates Using Transformer Gallery and Quick Add
Start Workspace C:\FMEData2018\Workspaces\IntroToDesktop\Ex3.2-Begin.fmw
End Workspace C:\FMEData2018\Workspaces\IntroToDesktop\Ex3.2-Complete.fmw

Did you find a transformer that worked?


We can fix this problem with a single transformer: the AttributeValueMapper. Here is the description from the FME Documentation:

Compares attribute values to a lookup table and assigns new values where matches are found. Mapped values may be stored in a new attribute, or overwrite an existing attribute, including the original source.

Other Solutions

Don't worry if you didn't find this specific transformer. Hopefully the exercise of looking for it still showed you the paths you can use to find the right transformer.

You might have found another way to solve this problem; there are often multiple ways to solve a problem in FME. Here are a few possibilities:

Did you find another way? Congratulations! Please let us know at [email protected] and we'll add it to this list.

Here's how to correctly use the AttributeValueMapper.

1) Start Workbench

Start Workbench (if necessary) and open the workspace from Exercise 3.1. Alternatively you can open C:\FMEData2018\Workspaces\IntroToDesktop\Ex3.2-Begin.fmw.

2) Add an AttributeValueMapper

Add an AttributeValueMapper to the canvas between the AttributeManager and the writer feature type.

Once it is added, double-click it to open its parameters. This transformer allows you to supply a series of Source Values and Destination Values. The source values in the incoming data are replaced by any matching destination values, or otherwise receive a default value. Fill in the parameters like this:

Parameter Value
Source Attribute Local Area (select from Attribute drop-down)
Destination Attribute Local Area (type in manually)
Default Value Local Area (select from Attribute drop-down)
Mapping Direction Forward (Source to Destination)
Source Value Destination Value
Arbutus Ridge Arbutus-Ridge
Dunbar Southlands Dunbar-Southlands

We will replace any values with a space to those with a dash - this fits the City of Vancouver specification.

Note that by providing an attribute to Default Value, if Local Area for a feature doesn't equal one of the Source Values, it will simply keep the value it already had.

Your dialog should look like this:

By completing this exercise, you have learned how to:
  • Search for a transformer using the Transformer Gallery (in Workbench and online), the FME Transformer Reference Guide, and/or Quick Add.
  • Use a AttributeValueMapper to fix inconsistent data values

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