
This section of the course discusses CAD and GIS integration, illustrates why it matters, and previews how FME can be used to integrate data.

It is designed to be delivered as a classroom lecture before students enter the lab. The concepts discussed here will be explored in more detail within the context of FME Desktop in the Lab Demonstration section.

Learning Objectives

Students will learn:

  1. Data integration is a key technical and business challenge for contemporary organizations
  2. FME is a tool to translate and transform data.
  3. FME Workbench is an application to graphically define a translation and the flow of data within it. The definition of a translation is known as a workspace and can be saved to a file for later use.
  4. Structural transformation is perhaps better called ‘reorganization'. It includes the ability to merge data (as in the image above), divide data, re-order data, and define custom data structures.
  5. Content transformation is perhaps better called ‘revision'. It refers to the ability to alter the substance of a dataset, for example changing a feature's attribute values or geometry.


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