Lab Exercises
In this section of the course, students will complete independent exercises using FME Workbench and FME Data Inspector.
The exercise section is made up of three sections. These sections are:
- Getting Started with AutoCAD
- CAD GIS Data Integration Scenario
- Lab Questions
The first section provides an introduction to GIS and CAD data integration, covering conversion of common CAD formats (DWG and DGN) to a common GIS format, the Esri shapefile (SHP). The second section contains a real world scenario requiring CAD and GIS integration using FME. The third and final section contains 16 questions the instructor can use for grading students' completion of the exercises.
Learning Objectives
Students will gain the ability to...
- View and inspect AutoCAD DWG Files, including grouping entities and handling blocks
- Carrying out DWG to DGN translation
- Carrying out Esri Shapefile (SHP) to DWG translation
- Exploding block entities in DWG translations
- Preserving block entities in DWG translations
- Independently use FME to solve CAD GIS data integration issues in a real-world scenario. <!-- Might need to update --!>