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Lab Questions


1 What are the implications of a drawing versus feature perspective in CAD versus GIS?
2 Explain one key challenges for data integration in CAD and GIS in a few sentences.
3 Think of a scenario that would require taking drawing data (e.g. buildings, civil engineering projects, infrastructure) and integrating it with a GIS. How would you apply the four steps outlined in lecture to ensure a successful integration? Write a short paragraph.

Getting Started with AutoCAD

Exercise Question
Exercise 1 Describe three different uses of CAD data in FME that would require Grouping Entities By Layer Name, Parameter Geometry, and Attribute Schema.
Exercise 2 What is a block in CAD data? How does FME handle blocks?
Exercise 3 What is the purpose of using a seed file when translating to DGN?
Exercise 4 Why can't you just store GIS attributes as a attribute table in DWG and DGN?
Exercises 5 and 6 What does it mean to "explode blocks" in CAD? In what kinds of scenarios would you choose to do or not do this when using FME?

CAD-GIS scenario

1 Why did you set Attribute Output to Extended Entity Data on your DWG writers?
2 How many site drawings did you generate?
3 If you wanted to prioritize your list of pipe replacements, oldest to newest, what transformer could you add before your Excel writer? What parameters would you give it?
4 Conceptually describe one other data integration scenario that could be added to this workspace using another dataset from City of Vancouver Open Data.
5 Describe in general terms how you would add that scenario to your workspace. Which transformers would you use and what would you accomplish?

Answers for instructors here.

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